Epoxy Waves
Jan 23 2022 @ 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT
Service Description
This class is currently full. If you are interested in being placed on the waitlist, please fill out the waitlist form here: https://www.melissagarchiediy.com/m2labswaitlist This will be a class where epoxy curious individuals will be able to learn more about epoxy art! There will be a bit of preparation required prior to class, but the end result is always worth it! Participants will be provided with a supply list, and recommendations on how to set-up your workspace prior to the class to allow for more time to discuss creating a wave technique using epoxy. Requirements: 1. You must follow @m2.labs, @mikebuiltsomething & @melissagarchiediy. 2. If you take part in the Instagram group chat, it is strongly encouraged that you follow the other participants. 3. You must post your final product on Instagram no later than January 31, 2022, and include the following tags/hashtags in your caption: @m2.labs, @mikebuiltsomething, @melissagarchiediy, #totalboat (if using TB products), and #letsepoxy 4. Failure to complete any of the above may result in the inability to enroll in future m2.Labs classes. Please note the tagging requirements may change as we get closer to the class. If that happens, you will be notified and it will be updated here.
Contact Details
San Diego, CA, USA